Vagrant: copy from/to guest to/from local

At first, you need to install two plugins

To do it you need to install vagrant-scp plugin. But it depends on vagrant-vbguest

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrant-scp

Use vagrant global-status to find out the id or name of the guest VM. I prefer to use id, because if haven't changed a name of the VM it will be default for all your VMs. But id is unique.

The output will looks like

id       name    provider   state    directory
<FIRST VM ID>  default virtualbox running  <FIRST VM HOST FOLDER PATH>
<SECOND VM ID>  default virtualbox poweroff <SECOND VM HOST FOLDER PATH>

To copy from guest to host

Execute command on your host vagrant scp <VM ID>:<GUEST VM PATH> <HOST PATH>

For example vagrant scp 1c5345f:~/.bashrc .

To copy from host to guest

Execute command on your host vagrant scp <VM ID>:<GUEST VM PATH> <HOST PATH>

vagrant scp <HOST PATH> <VM ID>:<GUEST VM PATH>

For example vagrant scp 1c5345f:~/.bashrc .

vagrant scp ~/.oh-my-zsh/ 1c5345f:~/.oh-my-zsh/